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              The Tulsa Men of Christ. . .

The Tulsa Men of Christ is a men's ministry focused on helping men find meaning, purpose and significance in life through a relationship with Jesus Christ. We are not affiliated with any one church though we believe God has left us the church to teach us, admonish us and refresh us as we gather together to glorify God. We believe the life of Faith is to be lived out, bringing the good news of the Gospel to men where they work and where they live. We are building an army of men who will be used of God to rescue men from the darkness which holds them captive. We believe that if a man surrenders his life to Christ, only then will he be fully equipped to be the husband, father and brother that God intended him to be. We believe, as God’s soldiers, He would have us “Leave No Man Behind”!

We don’t want to just create “Events”, but we hope to disciple men by training leaders, building men’s teams and spiritually reproducing ourselves. As we begin to take Jesus’ “Great Commission” seriously and make disciples, we hope to reach all men in Tulsa.

We are closely associated with a grassroots ministry effort out of N.W. Arkansas, called The Influencers. You can check them out at www.influencers.org. The Influencers use a discipleship process called, “The Journey”, where groups of men meet together every other week for a nine month period. The curriculum is designed to grow a man in his abiding relationship with God, strongly following Christ’s admonition in John 15, when He says, “Abide in me and you will bear much fruit…apart from Me you can do nothing.” We began with 15 men from all different Christian backgrounds and faith traditions, and now those men are leading other men through the process. We hope to continue multiplying these groups so more and more men can get connected with Christ and influence their world for Him.

Please contact us if you would like to be added to our e-mail list or if you would like to find out more about joining a Journey group. E-mail Bryan Craig at bryan@tulsamenofchrist.com.

“This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:3-4

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